The farmer and the apple tree:


  The farmer and the apple tree:

There once was a farmer who resided in a village next to a forest. In addition to an old apple tree and other plants, trees, and lovely flowers, he had a sizable garden. The farmer used to spend a lot of time playing with the apple tree as a young child. He had received the best fruit during those times from the apple tree. But as time went on, the apple tree grew old and ceased producing fruit.

The farmer determined the tree was useless because he was no longer getting any apples from it. He made the decision to chop down the tree and utilize the wood to create some new furniture as a result. He believed that because the tree was so large and old, it didn't need to be fixed and would produce wonderful furniture. He was unaware that he had spent his entire life eating apples from the tree and climbing it.

Several local pets now called the apple tree their home. This includes a wide range of birds and insects, such as squirrels and sparrows. All the small animals rushed down when the farmer grabbed his axe and started hacking the tree.

All of them started pleading with the farmer. They surrounded the farmer and exclaimed, "Don't take down the tree, please. When you were young, we used to play with you under this same tree. We live here and have nowhere else to go ".

The farmer was unwavering. The uproar increased as he raised his axe.

The squirrel begged people not to cut down and ruin his family's home and children.

The small birds pleaded with the people not to cut down and destroy their nest.

The grasshopper begged people not to tear down the apple tree.

But the farmer had forgotten his youth and his animal companions. He accelerated his tree-chopping efforts. As a result, all the small creatures developed a tremendous desire to defend the apple tree at any costs.

The tiny creatures said, "While you work in the fields, we will sing for you. We will take care of your son. He won't be sad; instead, he'll be amused and joyful. You'll enjoy our music and not get worn out."

Their calls for assistance were ignored, nevertheless. The farmer persisted in felling the tree notwithstanding their requests.

He abruptly became aware of something sparkling. Upon closer examination, he discovered that it was a beehive containing honey. He took a small amount and chewed it. The honey's flavor roused the inner child in him. His childhood memories suddenly started to flood back. He wanted more honey since it tasted so nice. He felt happy as a result of that. This tastes fantastic, he said with a smile.

The small animals noticed the farmer's attitude had changed, and they all spoke at once: the bee pledged to always provide you lovely honey. I'll share however many nuts you want, the squirrel said. We will sing as many songs as you like, the birds cried.

The farmer put down his axe after finally realizing his mistake. He realized that the tree was home to a variety of cute animals that gave him a lot of things. He desired for his son to experience childhood as he did.

The apple tree wasn't really fruitless, the farmer realized. The apple tree was saved by the young child in him.

He threw the axe away and addressed the tiny creatures, "I swear I won't ever cut down this tree. You can all now live in peace and harmony because I realized my error."

The little animals gave the bee heartfelt thanks. They would currently be without a place to live if the farmer had not discovered the beehive. They carried on enjoying themselves in the ancient apple tree.

Moral: Everything that is alive in the natural world has a purpose, so we shouldn't eliminate any living things.

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